It is my first Mafia game and I must say I'm really impressed with storytelling and characters of this remake. As I said, my first Mafia game, I didn't play the original, but I watched some comprasion videos and most of the changes are for the better.

Storytelling is absolutely great, the story is pretty standard and easy to predict what's gonna happen next but good dialogues and delicious cutscenes just make it all work right. I'm pretty satisfied with the story and storytelling. The characters are fun and memorable too, most of the dialogue sound natural.

Gameplay is pretty mediocre, there is no variety here. For a game that lasts 10 hours it is not very good. Yeah cars and collectibles are good ok but there is no variety in combat. I don't want billion guns, but c'mon gun list is so short, if they were all polished and fun to play with I wouldn't mind but not really. Most of the guns feels bad in the hand (and I don't want but it's 30's bs), actually whole gunplay is doesn't feel right, no no no, whole gameplay feels meh. Yeah.

Technical side of this game is almost a disaster. It is a 10 hour long game and at every level I encountered with one or more bugs or glitch. And some frame drops that occur from nowhere are just annoying. You can have butter smooth 100FPS on an open city with other cars and NPCs or you can get freezing while walking in a straight hallway because fuck 'em optimization right? And it is the first time i encounter graphical glitches with my GPU. Also 2K, your Launcher causes your game to freeze in cutscenes and make you game play worse just WHY?

Graphics are.... I really don't know. I played this game on Max settings with 1080p resolution. And sometimes game looked just like a painting. And sometimes it looks like something from early PS4-late PS3 era game. Lighting is solid most of the time, character models are pretty solid too (at least for the important characters) BUT texture quality is extremely poor. It doesn't look bad on smaller objects or when on the move but when you stare at bigger objects, like doors, it looks so bad. I can count the pixels in 1080p, I don't wanna know how bad it looks on higher res screens.

Mafia is a solid game but it does some things very poorly, and they could've fixed some of these things with updates but they just abandoned their game after getting money from old fans. Such a shame game with this much potential going to sit in dust because greedy 2K won't let devs polish their game.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2021
