This game is fucking awesome. It is one of the most fun multiplayer games that I have played in years, and every time I play with my friends, we have such a good time. The atmosphere is perfectly crafted to make every scare so impactful, and all the monster designs are horrifying, which makes running away from them the tensest shit you'll ever feel. There will be times when you are with a friend, and somebody on the ship yells out that theres a monster running at you, and so you start booking it. Then when you turn around you see that your friend is gone without a trace. So scary yet so fucking fun. Very few games create experiences like that.
Playing this game with proximity chat is a MUST, don't just settle for discord.
This game really is a blast, however it is not without a couple of flaws, all of which can be easily fixed in updates. For starters, there is not much variety throughout runs. I actually don't want different objective types like some people do. I think the one simple objective type is perfect, and adding more could make it too complicated like Among Us got. What I want for more variety is more interior spaces. There are tons of planet varieties, but you barely spend anytime outside, and there is almost no variety in interior spaces. Despite the random generation in layout, there are only two different sets of interior pallets, and one of them is only available on later planets. Since it takes a long time to get to those later planets, you'll be spending hours in one very similar looking interior. All I want is different vibes to be added in the future, with maybe even new ways of getting around or some puzzles in them. The only other issue I have is the pricing on some items being a little wonky. Some items are so highly priced that you won't be buying them for your crew until 3rd or 4th quota which can take hours in one run sometimes. I don't think they should be easy to get, but maybe a little less hard.
Despite these issues, the game is still awesome and a blast. And the issues can be easily fixed in updates. I love playing this game and will surely continue, because no other game provides an experience like it, especially not one with friends. Highly recommend if you're looking for a game to play with your friend group.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024
