Honestly reminds me of a Flash game, the kind that makes a small adventure that's not the most robust thing, but still charming enough to keep you invested for an hour or so.

It's sort of interesting, but the actual puzzle solving that surrounds the core concept ends up being really simple since they each all need to be visited and cleared within a minute. Meanwhile, there's never much of an urge to chain objectives within one play session, so the minute mechanic becomes more of a minor inconvenience instead of an interesting challenge. Overall, this game feels like more of a cute sampling of ideas instead of a time based concept pushed to its limit.

I definitely wouldn't have felt like this was $10 worth (I got this in an itch bundle), not particularly because of the inane "game length vs price" debate, but moreso since the game just ended up being unspectacular and a bit obtuse at times.

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2022
