Whenever people talk about this game, they mostly focus on its gut-wrenching ending and the revelation behind it. And don't get me wrong: I GET IT!

The ending of this game makes you feel si many things, but especially makes you feel so bad, and you will remember it and even dream about it for years and years. I hated this ending for a long time... and also found it fascinating, and bold, and incredibly emotional, and kinda disliked how they removed on later releases of this title (even tho yeah I get it)

But honestly the ending is not the only things to be remembered about this title: it has a vibe and charm reminiscent of titles like Scribblenauts, a nice concept to make you (sort of) customizable adventure, and a cast of likeable character, accompanied by a villain that is surprisingy amazing.

Drawn to Life is a weird hidden gem in the videogame industry, and the maybe too easy gameplay may result a bit off for most people. But I do still adore this game.

A big recommendation for me.

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2024
