When it comes to classic Pokemon games, the main appeal of the "Third title" is supposed to be the amount of quality improvements and new content added to already solid experiences: Emerald, Crystal, Platinum, Black2, White2... all of them are able to completely outshine their respective predecessors by adding more content, fixing the unbalanced progression, and in the case of B2W2 straight up just being a sequel that expands it's region in any possible way.

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon presents a phenomenal premise: this is an alternate universe of Alola, so the events of Sun & Moon may be completely different for what we experienced before: imagine, maybe now a completely different sets of challenge, maybe with a different order on the trials, or even a different exploration of the region, with new interesting characters and setting, and maybe a new take on the story.
Even the trailers showcased an amazing premise of "Exploring the Ultra-megalopolis", a ultradimentional metropolis connected to various worlds and stories....

....to bad it does NOTHING like that.

These games are just SUn&Moon again, but desaturated of a lot of things you experienced before and the same flaws of the past titles. The game is still filled with useless tutorials and unskippable uninteresting dialogues tha tmakes half of the experience a slugfest.

The order of the various challenges you face is the exact same, and now they more feel like actually finished but still mediocre challenges compared to what they had in Sun&Moon.

Ad the story is almost the freaking same: I feel like the whole point of an "alternate reality" is to see difference facades that adds more depths to the story and characters you encounter... instead, we got a narrative where they repeat most of the things, some idiotic and uninteresting alien OC got added just to break up the peace even more, and interesting character like Lusamine or Guzma has some of its appealing traits removed and turn to be much less interesting.

But don't worry, at leas tthe ultramegalopolis is here to add content-IT'S JUST A CORRIDOR! A corridor that lead to a mediocre boss fight and that's it

The only slightly interesting thing the game does is the addition of the Rainbow Rocket and the ability to challenge the older villains of the series... but also it doesn't elaborate much on the concept, leading to a quick experience that does little to nothing, and instead adds more dumb questions tregarding the whole multiple universes concept the games want so bad to add.

Despite their flaws, the pokemon games have a formula that still works and are able to turn enjoyable even if they are attached to an unfinished and unpolished product. But considering that this one is not only that, but a straight up lie sols as a new experience, this game just hurt my passion for the franchise.

I consider USUM to be the worst pokemon games ever released, and it's not even close. Play regular Sun & Moon instead, if you really have to.

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2024
