Played it on the NSO despite the lack of english translation

Heard surprisingly good things about this game in the past so I decided to check it out... and oh my god I get it.
This game feels unreal: it's a full on fighting game for the freaking famicom, and one can expect to be a janky attempt with poor content and weak realization....

Especially considering this came out only the years after Street Fighter 2, the results feels like a miracle: one can expect the gameplay to be stiff, both for the stiff controlls of the d-pad, both for the preformance of the famicom, and for the overalljankyness of older fighting games... and yet it is so fluid and intuitive and polished in its performance that it feels like playing an incredibly curated indie game from our time.

The fact that this has more polish and cure than some modern fighting game sin mind blowing to me: a total of 8 playable characters, the same amount as Street Fighter 2, but it adds to those over 20 different combatants that are challenged in the story mode, for a total of I think over 30 characters? This is the MVC2 of the NES.

All of the characters showcase the same skeleton, they are all pretty much Rayman-like doofuses, but each of them has its own identity and set of skills that make stem stand out and create a really creative pantheon of selectable fighters.
Personal favorites of mine are Honou, the fire dude that can flame wheel in different directions and Neo, a literal shoto with a shoryuken and a sort of hadoken.
Sukapon deez niuts is also really fun, although a bit on the slower side.

The presnetation is also immaculate, and able to rivel more modern fighters: thjust the fact that you got an immediate tutorial for every fighter as an option before selecting them already makes it a better fighting game that other arcades titles at the time, but the game doesn't stop there: you got multilayered gorgeous background and stages, an incredible soundtrack for the NES and even a story mode that combines the choice of the next challenge of a megaman title with the progression of a street fighter tournament... all including exclusive bosses shaped like ostriches and an ascension up to heaven and the moon, or something.

One of the biggest surprises in my "gaming career". Please give it a shot, it will surprise you

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
