Played it on the NSO

Gotta say it is kinda weird that this game was developed by the same guys tha trought us Banjo and Conker

In appearence this can feel too distant to their previous title... but also not really: Rare had a weird talent on combining darker tones with weird sillies and parodies of other titles on the market. Banjo and Conker combined cutsie moments with some more mature jokes and creepries tones, Perfect dark was a goldeney like game but AREA 51 IS REAL, the whole unhinged nature of some of their characters like king K. Rool....

In a way Killer Istinct is like that: you got a really grim tone full of creepy stages and an intimidating announcement, but also got a freaking Raptor fighting a cyborg, a wolfman and a fire guy that keeps screaming with a goofy voice.

Even some of the more threatening characters like Eyedol are actually a parody of something else (his real name is Jimmy and he is a joke about SF Blanka)... even the creepy undead Spinal for his ending decided to become an actor to find a role with enough MEAT (YOU GET IT? BECUASE HE HAS NO MEAT HE IS A SKELETON)
In a way it's similar to Darkstalkers: combine dark tones and monsters with a goofy tone, with a gameplay that is easy to understand to everyone: even by mutton mashing people will be able to make cool things, but actulaally mastering the combos and how to break them becomes harder if yo wanna master it all...... It can be a good time for everyone that tries it, which is already a big accomplishment for a fighting game.
My main issue is that compared to other fighting games, even at the time, kinda drag the OG KI down a bit: there is not a lot of modes or things to do: the gameplay is fun but I don't feel t as deep as other fighting games, and the matchups can become a bit repeptitive.
THe presentation, while innovative for the time and accompanied by a great music, I don't think was able to stand out compared to staff like the original MK and SF

Still, a really nice time: I am glad this series was able to turninto a classic

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
