Probably the best Fire emblem experience you can have., even if it is not my personal favorite entry in the franchise.

It basically takes what Fire emblem Fates SHOULD HAVE BEEN and offer an experience that will change drastically depending on the choices you make and what House you will join.
THis, couple with a level of progression that ombines the classic gameplay formula of FE with ways to interact within the Academy and its students similar to what you do in Persona leads to a really cool gameplay loop.
Especially on second playthought this loop can feel a bit repetitive, more specifically in the first half of the story, but the amount of stuff the game makes you do doesn't make it feel particularly heavy, especially considering the incredible cast of characters: all of their traits are nothign that original in the series, but the way they interact with each other and within the world they inhabith creates a really endearing worldbuilding.

I will say I don't think that all of the routes feel at the same level: Edelgard's route specifically feels kinda rushed depending on the choices you make, and it can feel kinda divisive depending on the outcome (Edelgad herself is a kinda divisive characters in the community for various reasons, so I guess this kinda fits her eheh)

Dimitri's story is also really good and follows a really cool characters arc for him and his gang, though I feel it doesn't really lead to the bigger revelations and plot twist of the game...... and that is why GOLDEN DEER SWEEPS BAYBEE WHOOOO GOLDEN CHAD DEER SWEEPPPP

But regardless of my bias,I enjoyed all of the routes and most people will for sure: 3H is a great experience for both veterans and noobies to the series, which accompany an amazing cast of characters with a cool gameplay loop, a lot of customization and an incredible OST. One of the be FE games on the market

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
