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FFX was a predominantly positive mixed bag for me.

The story was great, I love the old false/corrupt religion element and how it clashed with the Al Bhed. I like the turn based system, especially the ability to swap party members whenever and without consequences. Also the game looks amazing, especially in sequences at night and the cg cutscenes blew me away. The summons aswell, man was it cool to be able to control them as a sort of extra party member, though the animations became repetitive very quickly. I loved every party member and felt that none went to waste, standouts being Rikku, Yuna and much to my surprise, Tidus.

I did not like Tidus in the beginning. It felt like there wasn't much to him and that he wasn't fit to be the protagonist, especially after just finishing FF7 and loving Cloud. However Tidus really grew on me and by the end I could confidently say he was one of my favourites in the cast. Seymour on the other hand was very disappointing. Square overused Seymour to the point where he became a pest, rather than a genuine threat. I really didn't care for him by the end.
Speaking of Seymour, his bossfight as well as Yunalesca are some of the worst I've ever dealt with. Gagazet feels like it's balanced terribly. I found my party being 1 shotted by random encounters, not 1 member, but the whole party in 1 attack. This lead to me fleeing every battle to not get sent back and missing out on xp. Gagazet Seymour and Yunalesca contained some of the most bs I've dealt with in a long time. Seymour with the 1 shot party wide attack, and Yunalesca with Megadeath were so painful and the lowest points of this game, especially with having to watch 10 minute cutscenes after every attempt. Also I'm not a fan of the sphere system, I can see why people like it but after the novelty wears off it becomes a real chore to level, I would've preferred if they just focused on the gear perk system and left levelling to be a background phenomenon, though I can see why some would enjoy it due to the obvious build variety possible.

Looking back on this review it seems like I have primarily negative thoughts but I genuinely do like this game, it's just the lows were very low for me, however the highs are equally as high.
Overall I enjoyed most of my time with the game and recommend it.
And that, as they say, is that

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2023
