its KINDAAAAAAAA HEAAAAAAT? i love the thought of a warioware microgame inspired game, absolutely adore warioware, and going a step further with giving you customization and even boasting a visual style more intentionally ludicrous than warioware gets up to is pretty dope

I think my biggest issues with why i cant rank this game higher though is the currency system is coool but some of these microgames are not all that fun and can be a hassle getting through despite only really needing the D-pad and a single button if youre playing on controller LOL
like i dont know warioware has some duds here and there too so i dont fault the game immensely for that, i think its gonna be the level progression system thats weird to me

I think its neat there's shit like leaderboards here and having interactive shit with other players is STELLAR

2023 needs to stop pumping out so many cool games jesus christ bitch

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2023
