mannn FUCK! i thought id be swinging into some game with a lot of cooking, maybe a decent bunch of levels, maybe fulfilling a lot of people's orders
i was havin that cooking game itch, i dont know why but i get those every then and now and thirsty suitors was somewhat scratching it but i wanted somethin GEARED SOLELY on that and...
i quickly came to realize while playing this that this game is very short.. it also feels trial and error at times to those that dont really make these recipes ahahaha so people that regularly know them will definitely breeze through this game as if it was just an hourlong visual novel with some interactive segments
And thats Okay
because I think there's something very special about conveying a fish out of water scenario where even if you have family you can still feel isolated, you can still feel ashamed of a culture and whats special because youd be looked at different and made fun of by people intentionally racist or otherwise, you Want to be understood and you want to not stick out from enough repeated fuckshit flung in your face.

that's not at ALL what i thought this game would be but it surprised me, i even thought it was going to take an even darker turn at one point and I honestly begun to tear up. Some of you reading this may have thicker armor for an hourlong story about an indian family struggling to hit their stride and express love through the joy of cooking, but even without personally havin Been Through It myself I can resonate with the utter passion and whirlwind of nostalgia, joy and comfort that comes from a pinpoint moment in your life with making food

admittedly even though i really enjoy cooking a lot, im still not very good myself, but i keep going and share what i do with my wife. It has me feel like with what Id do in the kitchen, that its always a concrete thing Im getting better and better at slowly. Each recipe puzzle serves to advance the story in some way or another and the art is so sweet it reminds me of a childrens storybook id find at a bookfair way back when, to the point where if you told me it Was conveyed that way before in a similar manner id probly believe you.

Our connections in life can be bound and resurge even by somethin as simple as one plate of food, because its not the origin that people ultimately focus on thats the reason to love it
It's the emotion put into it, it can be an expression
And thats what this game made me feel

Again, its like an hourlong game and its not super wordyyy and the cooking really serves as a chapter progression element
the sounds are lovely and the art is sweet.
But youd primarily hop on this just to feel something tender if youre needing it, and i wasnt mad about that at all.

Reviewed on May 05, 2024
