While Capcom was busy dominating the charts with reiterations of Adventure Quiz, Taito was on a mad dash of quiz game evolution and refinement with games like Quiz Torimonochou and Quiz H.Q., attempting to create a cohesion in tone and feel previously unseen in the genre. And Yuuyu no Quize de Go! Go! might be their most accomplished before Capcom changed the landscape again in 92.

Starring idol Yukiko Iwai and appropriating a sort of faux-Indian game show aesthetic, Yuuyu no Quiz is a bright, energetic, joyous experience, bursting with personality from every inch. Text that looks crayon drawn, expressive chibi sprites, high quality voices and wonderfully animated real photos...the last thing Yuuyu wants is for you to feel bad, even when you completely bomb.

The questions and answers themselves start much easier than those found in its contemporaries and have been playfully crafted, filled with jokes and slang. They is also, in a first for the genre, a picture based category that provides colorful illustrations for you to identify. And instead of the traditional lifebar system, here rounds are battles of percentages, where you can run through as many questions as you want as long as your percent correct is higher than whatever the CPU asks. This leads to a great propulsion to rounds, a constant push and pull of answering as many as you can without pushing your luck too hard.

Of course, bonus round minigames are also present to provide the brain a little break and a chance for quirky items to help out when you dive back in.

It all makes for a simply fantastic experience; addicting, mood lifting, and full in a way arcade quiz games had yet to see.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2022
