I didn't expect to like this game as much as I did. I got it for free on GOG (its free on Steam too I think) and that was the only reason I gave it a go really. But I thought it was great! Obviously it's old but the graphics are still good actually, its easy to get immersed in the environments for there is so much detail there. The puzzles are more logical than most adventure games and, though the solutions usually involve a lot of pixel hunting, they make sense are satisfying to solve. Where the game really shines (for me, anyway) is in the characters, story and dialog. The overall story is interesting and mixes comedic moments with the horror and tragedy that can be expected from any story set in a dystopia. I felt that this mix worked and made the protagonist (and side-kick) likeable. The way it was written made me want to hear every dialog option and every little comment that the player character makes when examining an object. The array of eccentric characters you meet felt real and unique and I found myself backtracking after developments in the story to check to see if there were any more dialog options and, while sometimes there were when there was a specific reason, I was often disappointed to find that I had reached the end of my conversations with these NPCs. Maybe I'm going too far with praising this game but I enjoyed the hell out of it and immediately played the second one (which is great too, though obviously feels different due to being newer) just because I needed more of this game.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2023
