Ahh Apex... It's a great game, im not going to lie. The two main problems are this:

1) Smurfs and absolute sweats just tank the experience. It's not fun having a professional 3 stack run around your pubs game and just tear it up.

2) The servers are just absolute trash at times. Lagging all the way through a game, randomly being kicked back to the lobby, stuttering etc. Everything that could ruin gameplay server side does happen.

When the above isn't happening however, you have a really unique BR with an incredibly high skill ceiling. Even something mundane as Armour Swapping from a box mid fight is a skill check that needs to be learned in order to get good.

Guns feel responsive and hit appropriately, the "cracked" sound is so satisfying and initiates this Pavlovian response to mindlessly W key in.

The Peacekeeper is one of the best designed Shotguns in a game since the Gnasher from Gears of War and it's actually balanced!

Movement tech in this game is also just incredible. Apex combines speed, with parkour, sliding, wall jumps and other ankle breaking techniques that just make you feel like a god when you string them all together and 1 vs 3 a team.

Sadly though, it has EA as a parent company and therefore monetisation is problematic. Everything is incredibly expensive outside of the battle pass although the battlepass awards you with enough in game currency to buy the next battlepass for free should you complete it each season.

Balance and the META can also be problematic at times. Having countless agents with legal wall hacks and the ability to see through smoke is just annoying. Why bother trying to rat when you're inevitably just going to get run down by a Bloodhound / Seer combo.

Lastly, cheaters/community.... It's not as common as people would lead you to expect (at-least at my level) but it is still sus when you get beamed from 100m away and every shot hits the head. I don't really know how to fix this, but it is a serious downer when it happens.

Community (like most in gaming these days) is a mix between normal, fun loving people and racist misogynists. Not strictly the games fault, just that the experience seems to attract them a lot.

Potentially the best competitive BR available at the moment.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2022
