So first off, docking a star for server quality, lagg issues etc. its frustrating to play because of the servers just being trash.

DMZ (even though it is in Beta) is one of the best modes to come out in a COD game for a while. Extraction Royales have always been an opaque, hard to get into genre that is often poorly done. Its right on the money here so much so that it could of been a standalone game. The fact that it’s an additional mode is great.

It needs some kind of economy system to make it more rewarding for exfilling good basic loot like 3 armour, large backpack etc. Fix the crashes and we’re on to a good co-op PvPvE shooter here.

Actual Warzone it’s self is fundamentally the same as last game except with the balances to Loadouts and ensuring they are less frequent. This has made the game better as fully kitted out Meta weapons are harder to come by, as are perks like cold blooded etc. The floor loot actually has relevance in this game.

The changes to a backpack system don’t phase me as a long term Apex player. Bag looting and snatching gear during a fire fight is a skill check. Bad players will get caught out and complain, good players will know where and when to dive into a bag.

The 3 ring split is a novel idea that is interesting in concept but doesn’t really do much for gameplay.

As usual, gunplay is spot on and I can’t fault Warzones Arcade take on it. Time to kill is lightning fast but tbh, it always has been.

Losing another star for lack of content at the moment. As with any live service game, we don’t have the full package. Content is sparse in order to be dished out incrementally so when more maps, modes and themes are added I’ll reassess.

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2022
