So integrating a Tower defence game and a Rogue-Lite is clever. It keeps the game interesting and fresh even if the mechanics don't change a whole bunch.

The game is largely losing stars for it's lack of polish, bad UI and having to install mods to make the game friendlier to play E.G a speed up button.

The interface on towers blocks you viewing their radius for instance, it's hard to really tell what powerups and upgrades you have already unless you bring up a specific window which puts small black text just above the tower buy button which really isn't the most helpful solution.

Navigation around the game, its menus and everything else also feels incredibly clunky and like it should of been optimised before release.

I really do commend this gameplay and think its fun, I just think this game needed a bit more time in the UX and UI department to rank better.

Fixing all of these things would probably take the game to 4 stars. It's still lacking a bit of content for a game within the Rogue-Lite genre as well as lacking a proper guide to let players know about more intricate mechanics. Once again this has been left up to content creators.

Good game, probably recommend to pick it up at about 40%-50% under base price for value for money.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2023
