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The closer you are to the middle of this game the better it is. Act 1 is fun but nothing to write home about and Act 3, apart from the Neil reveal which I genuinely thought was excellent (unsurprisingly considering it draws not just on the previous games but also on the events of Act 2), felt like it was stretching the game's themes way too thin and emotionally falling flat, which for video game endings in general is nothing unheard of but for a game in the same series as To the Moon is incredibly disappointing. Definitely not Kan Gao's finest work and just kind of accentuates the worries I already had about the meta direction the series has been going in. But Act 2 is legitimately phenomenal from start to finish. I definitely found myself much more caught up with the romance between Quincy and Lynri than I did with either of the significant relationships that defined Finding Paradise, and dare I say, it may even rival Johnny and River's romance in how touching it is and Neil and Eva's will-they-won't-they in how good their chemistry is. If Act 2 didn't make up the majority of the game I'd be a lot harsher on the overall experience but as far as I'm concerned the good more than outweighs the bad.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
