5 Reviews liked by Beavis_Evil

Dear lord, everything feels so sluggish and the input lag is insane. Even on real hardware it feels like I'm streaming the game on shitty wifi.

Fun when it's not crashing or bugging out.

There isn't anything notable about this game, it's just a middle of the road cover based third person shooter.

The story is not remotely interesting, some of the cutscenes were way too heavy with exposition which just gets annoying. The acting is all phoned in and the character models don't appear capable of animation other than mouth flaps which makes for a reall bland story experience.

The gameplay doesn't really progress, the enemies you face over the course of the game all behave the same and can be instantly killed with headshots absurdly easily with mouse and keyboard controls. There are also car chase sequences which all feel longer than they should be, there's little depth here, as you just steer around obstacles while chasing someone and maybe hit the handbrake every once in a while. It mostly just felt mindless and really easy, even though I played on the highest difficulty available (the real highest difficulty was locked off). The only difficulty I had was when enemies would spawn behind me or in places that I just checked with my phone that tells me where all enemies are in the area, so it can get cheap occasionally. Also I had one time where an APC killed me in one hit from full health despite the fact that I had taken multiple hits from that exact same enemy before without dying, which just makes no sense.

Overall, I had mindless fun while coasting through this game, it has little value outside of mindless fun as a generic cover-based shooter. Not even playing as Bond makes this game feel even slightly special. But it's at least not that bad.

Just another mediocre licensed title to add to the pile.

If you’re looking for a James Bond game that plays like poor man’s Call of Duty then Quantum of Solace (2008) is the perfect game for you.

The main/seventh-gen (PS3, 360, PC) version of Quantum of Solace uses Infinity Ward’s IW 3.0 engine which was also used for COD4: Modern Warfare and World at War. As a result, the game plays and feels like any modern Call of Duty, including the dreaded aim-assist system that borders on auto-aim, just not as polished.

You’ll spend the vast majority of your time in rectangle-shaped arenas shooting AI enemies that aren’t particularly bright, though occasionally they’ll throw a grenade or two and attempt to rush you to give off an impression of having some resemblance of tactics. The game also features some stealth segments and set pieces. Stealth here is as basic as you can get away with but it’s mostly inoffensive and optional anyway, whist the set pieces feel rather uninspired and cookie-cutter.

The game’s title is also a bit misleading. Despite being based on a Bond movie of the same name, two-thirds of Quantum of Solace’s levels are based on Casino Royale framed as part of a long flashback. That said, it’s not necessarily a bad thing given that Quantum of Solace (the movie) felt like a somewhat dry epilogue to its vastly superior and more action-packed prequel. As a result, you can understand why developers chose to go down this route and, frankly, they made the right choice.

If I had to summarize the entire experience in a single word, it would be “formulaic”. All of the elements present function as intended but they simply don’t stand out on their own and lack the polish of similar segments featured in Call of Duty titles. At the end of the day, it’s a licensed title made quickly and cheaply, published by Activision. What you see is what you get.

While this review has been mostly negative, I actually enjoyed the game for what it is. As long as you know what you’re going into, it’s an inoffensive title to pass the time with. I think the developers did the best they could with the resources allocated to them, knowing how licensed game productions usually go. That said, the game is entirely skippable and you’re probably better off getting your James Bond fix elsewhere, even the PS2 release of Quantum of Solace which is a different game entirely made by a separate development studio. If you're interested in my thoughts on that version, you can find my Backlogged review here: https://www.backloggd.com/u/DarkDante14/review/594075/

Note: This review is based solely on the single-player campaign played on normal. Online servers are down and multiplayer is inaccessible through normal means.