My mom bought me this game when I was around 12 or 13 years old, along with Hot Date and another edition. I attempted to "win" or achieve the goal, but I consistently lost. I did not enjoy it and ultimately gave up because I simply did not understand it.

I never played the pc version, but I owned the PlayStation version. I only played it when I was very bored . I never completed it or could understand how to play it properly
It wasn’t something I enjoyed. I’ve never been overly fond of management type games tbh. I would try the pc game if I could get a copy of it

It was ok

Games include:
Inside igloo: counting cupcakes (I hate maths so meh), flipping pancakes (this confused me, took me a while to realise how to play it), tell me a story (this was kinda fun just slow), parcel fun (fell in a few times, but otherwise ok),
Outside igloo: snowball alley (couldn’t get more than one snowman, very hard to bowl for some reason), ice dancing (couldn’t figure it out) , snowball fun. (Wth, why did I turn into a snowball. Hated this), Pingu pairs (meh), save Pinga (worst game in whole game, I csnt even complete on easy mode) and a colouring book/painting or Kidpix like game (you can print and has a few stamps which was impressive). Not very impressed.

Not bad. I was surprised by how much time I spent on this. It's really embarrassing that I struggled in the game of giving presents to Robby lol. I ended up giving up in the end. I didn't enjoy the organ grinder game on hard mode because I lack skills in memory. The rest of the game is pretty good. You can make Pingu dance, choose from 5 options of screensavers, play a total of 5 non-educational games and 5 educational games on easy or hard mode (one game even had a medium mode). I enjoyed the maze game the most, as it included 4 randomly selected "dress-up" type games. I was able to play the snowman game (putting a carrot, hat, and pipe on it), Pingu's mom ironing inside the house (moving objects around), place body parts on Pingu and Pinga (although Pinga's arms were a bit confusing), and move objects around Pingu's igloo. The music game was quite enjoyable as well. Overall, it's an okay game, but I'm not in the age range of 3-6 years old. It could’ve done with computer cursors, wallpapers and maybe some more games.

I’d like to play this again but it’s too difficult to grt it to run. I used to play it a lot as a kid. It wasn’t very good though. Could never finish it.

I love Hamtaro heaps, but this just wasn’t for me. I got confused and it is just a lot of walking around back and forth.

I gave it a go for the first time in my 30s. There aren’t a whole lot of patterns to choose from, and to put the colors into your pattern, it’s very hard to see. The modeling of the outfit is okay. It’s very short, but at least you see more of your design than Barbie Magic Hair Styler. 

I am rather surprised this game is rated quite poorly on here. I played this a lot as a child and enjoyed it. I never had a memory card or was I ever good at platform games (still aren’t) so I never completed it. I like the music and sound effects. It is a really hard game (for me anyway) but I loved it. I have tried a bit of on the pc, but it is still very hard for me. You have to be very good with timing, tricks etc

I was never able to complete this game. I found it very very hard as a child. The controls are awkward. I always can remember the music and the iconic “alright! Let’s jam!”.

This really annoyed me. I’ve never played the physical board game, so I thought I’d try the pc game. The characters are irritating and I don’t like the game play. I see why this game would irritate someone

The questions in this game seem very American-centric and the robots appear to be somewhat lacking in intelligence. It would have been better if there was an option to adjust the intelligence level of the robots. The whammy section, as mentioned by another reviewer, seems to be able to be rigged in terms of timing. Despite these flaws, I still enjoy the game for some reason. I used to play the Facebook version frequently before it was removed many years ago.

Never been good at this game. I used to play this game years back on Facebook. Prices vary all the time and it’s American prices. It is pretty fun regardless. Rating 2/5 stars due to what I stated initially.

The game is not bad at all. I particularly enjoy the fairy tale theme, as well as the inclusion of goblins and witches. The graphics are appealing to me. However, I couldn't help but feel that it was missing something. The powerups didn't seem very exciting, and the levels all felt quite similar to each other.

They could’ve done much more with this. This game was mostly about making wands. It could’ve been a very adventurous long game

This brick breaker is excellent. I enjoyed it. It's very different from any other brick breaker I've seen before. The powerups are activated by going down the tubes that you hit with the ball. If you get three balls in the other tube on the right, it activates a "reaction" (reaxxtion) that causes multiple balls to hit the bricks. Very unique.