This is the first Tales game I ever played. I rented it when it came out on the Gamecube back in the day but didn't really have time to dedicate to it. Many, many years later when the pandemic hit and I was stuck at home doing nothing, I decided I was going to finally crack open Tales of Symphonia and see what's up. And holy shit am I glad I did.

As a fighting game nerd I just wanna shake hands with whoever came up with the concept of an RPG where the combat is just a 2D fighter. It was a bit daunting the first few times but once I figured it out I find myself actively anticipating combat, especially boss battles. Unfortunately not every character feels equally fun to play, but they're all unique and interesting and I can definitely imagine every player finding something to love. Predictably I found myself liking Lloyd the most, but also had a lot of fun with Kratos, Regal, Colette and Zelos. Wish I could have enjoyed the others more, but they're a bit more awkward and gimmicky. They probably take some time to adjust to.

Even outside of the combat this game is just a joy to explore. Finding a new location and seeing what's up with it, making notes of where to come back to later, hitting up all these vibrant towns with their own cultures and aesthetics and designs all made for a world that felt exciting to get to know. And having such a great cast to do it with definitely helps, seriously I love all of these guys. I'm pretty picky with RPG casts, but the way the whole party bounces off each other and has actual relationships with each other (and NOT just with the protag) was lovely. All of them were very easy to get behind and sympathize with, you just wanna learn more about them and you wanna see them succeed. I think Lloyd might be one of my favorite RPG protagonists of all time, actually.

Yeah there are some rough edges, and it can definitely show its age at times. But I never experienced anything that severely hindered my enjoyment. By the time I was finished I felt like I experienced something truly special and memorable. I may have arrived decades late to the party, but it's one I'm glad I stopped by for.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
