This game honestly had the potential to be one of the greatest games of all time, on one hand it has one of the best stealth action gameplay I've played, the cinematography is fucking god tier, great atmosphere, and ost.

On the other hand however while i actually like the story, i hate the way it was told. Like 80% of the game's story is told through audio tapes rather than long cutscenes the series was known for. Now less cutscenes and more gameplay is fine by me, but the thing that made these audio tapes such a slog to listen to is because whenever i listen to the important tapes while playing I'm always constantly interrupted by either Kaz or Ocelot which muffles any info on the tape. Now if i really want to listen to the tapes without interruptions i'd just listen to it on the helicopter but that shits lame to me personally.

I hate how chapter 2 is just repeat missions and other main missions that are just set up to an arc we never got

honestly even though we never really get eli's arc in the game it never really bothered me because we all know its gonna end with the big reveal anyways

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
