Single Player: 8/10. Wonderful graphics and pleasing action sequences throughout. Story was kinda meh but enough to keep me wanting to play. The level design (especially Shipwreck beach) was amazing honestly. Good mechanics with the upgrading weapons as well as levelling up your skills even if there were some absolutely pointless ones (Unless you're on hard difficulty). i gather this would of been a great game in 2013 when it came out but in current times, a lot of games beat it. Easy enough to get all achievements even though I had to do two playthroughs.

Multiplayer: 2/10. Absolutely trash. It's dead currently but it's boring and doesn't give any sense of achievement. It's long and grindy, very few maps and the gamemodes are just not fun. I also hate devs which think it's a good idea to put multiplayer achievements in a game. Terrible

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
