easily one of the worst gaming experiences i have had. there is a reason this is free. i am hoping heavensward treats me much better than this does, because WOW it just sucks some major ass. the 1.5 stars here are soley from dungeons and the maps (when you aren't walking around for fucking ever), other than that this would easily be a .5 stars, or even a zero.

editing to include post arr patches: (1 star -> 2 star)

while the story of patch arr still is pretty uneventful and kinda sucked, the gameplay seemed to hold a stark improvement compared to the slog that was basegame ff14. a majority of the dungeons/trails/raids felt much better and more worth my time. the story, however, you can skip with no regard and not miss anything; a youtube video summarizing it will suffice.

for the love of god, please do not queue for extreme trials as a solo tank. you will hate yourself.

Let heavensward be good please for the love of god

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2022


2 years ago

Lol, you talking a lot of shit for someone that just got came inside of LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO

2 years ago

The first 40/50 levels are the worst part of the game so i kind of get the disappointment. But if you don't see any positive aspects at all what so ever i dunno why you keep forcing yourself through it. Maybe it's just not for you you not everything that's popular is necessarily for everyone.