I tried playing this at first and i really did not like it, the weird combat system and the pretty bad prologue did not help but it's one of those games where if you stick with it, it gets a lot better. You get used to the combat and it can even get fun at times, while the quests, the choices and the atmosphere are all on point(not perfect but pretty good). I really like how this game handles cutscenes, they're used sporadically but always help to set the tone and they are more generally always cool.
The ending is absolutely amazing but i don't want to spoil anything.
As for the negatives , i feel like the locations and quest design are a bit annoying cause of how much walking around they require. I'll also only half mention the combat as a negative cause as i said i don't think it's that bad but it's certainly not amazing either.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2022
