3 Reviews liked by BiancaNeve5

sorry no i cant stay up to talk longer. yeah sorry. its my pikachu. he needs me to go to bed right now or else he'll be real dissapointed in me. cant let that happen yk.

I downloaded and played this game in high school exclusively so I could force people to watch me play it so they'd think I was weird. Little did I know that I didn't need to performatively play this game for people to think that, since my voltron legendary defender home screen would have been enough to convince them.

Anyway, this game is not very fun, it's mostly just force feeding this poor freak of nature food until he gets enough energy to talk to you seemingly forever. I never saw much of a deviation in gameplay while playing it, although I admit I didn't get super far in it since I'd only ever play it when someone seemed like they wanted to engage with me. I'd pull my phone out, start shoving carrots down my equestrian partner's gullet and making him run on a treadmill, and then angle my phone in such a way that the person trying to make an honest human connection to me would see enough of the screen to ask what I was playing. I would then start a conversation about the game, literally lying about some aspects of it to make it sound more bizarre, not make any new friends, and then feel proud of myself believing to have weirded out one of my supposed enemies.

So, in conclusion, this game is good if you're trying to repel people from you, but not so good for much else. So only really give it a try if you like voltron legendary defender, I guess.

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First off, I really enjoyed playing Hogwarts Legacy. I watched all the movies for the first time a week or two before I started playing, because I wanted to know the story of Harry Potter. After enjoying the movies I got to playing the game.


- It's clearly tailored towards people who don't play many video games, the combat gets repetitive and the game is very easy for the most part.

- Because of this, I feel like I can easily see why certain mechanics are design choices are employed into the game, I can tell what they want from the player alot of the time. Which isn't that great.

- There are no underwater mechanics, you just hold x to dive, your character goes underwater for a couple of seconds and pops back out kinda sucks for a €75 game.

- The broom variations don't actually make a difference to speed, they're just aesthetic, this lead me to not caring about exploring or hunting/saving for a new broom, which I think would be sick and if it was a game that didn't rely on the Harry Potter name it would of had this implemented.

- No Quidditch?? (I know it'll probably be added later as a DLC feature, but c'mon man).

- Just a suggestion here, but I think it would've been sick to have a hardcore one death mode where you couldn't respawn unless you made horcruxes, forcing the player to commit devious acts.

- Not being able to vault over alot of objects/fences/debris is pretty annoying. I want an open world where I can climb on any roof of any little house I please.

- The field guides are quite overwhelming, especially in hogsmeade, I cast revelio and see way too much shit and hear never ending belles, it's makes 100%'ed the game easy asf, but way too tedious to care. Too much too soon.

- The inventory space is too small, I had to sell my items way too much which was a mechanic most likely implemented to get you to go to hogsmeade more, it still annoyed me to had to destroy items just to be able to pick a new item out of chest if I didn't go sell all my useless gear after one quest.

- Soundtrack is kind of mid, some tracks are really good, most could be alot better. I wish it continued to be cool when flying also, as it seems to have some good tracks when walking about exploring, but I usually use broom at those points and it stops into silence.

- The open world feels abit empty, would be cool to just have npcs flying about or something of the like.

- The amount of quests can feel like too much at times, just when you got an owl and 5 different pieces of mail start playing in your ears, resulting in me forgetting the point of any of them.

- I wish the classes where more interactive, like the first class you meet Natty in. If it had something similar to Bully it'd be really cool. But you just go to class, it plays a lame cut scene and you don't have any practical experience. Learning the spells themselves should be more challenging in some way also.

- I feel like I do some big brain shit in this game, like putting out a fire and finding a secret passage behind it, figuring out the moth paintings, burning webs or finally figuring out those math/animal door puzzles, and once I do this said big brain shit, the loot is always trash in comparison to doing linear quests. That's just kinda lame

- When customizing your character and choosing your voice, the deeper/higher voices than the norm sound off, as if they are autotuned, and it breaks immersion for me.

- The missions themselves can feel repetitive, such as the popular formula I found: go to the dungeon, omg it looks the same as the last one, and omg it has spiders just like the last one. Over and over again.

The good:

- The graphics are amazing.

- If you like Harry Potter, the games pretty cool, best Harry Potter game so far.

- The room of requirement and the vivariums are absolutely sick and it bumps this game rating up for me. Being able to decorate your own room, rescue and keep beasts, brew your own potions and grow your own herbs is absolutely great, and comes with many hours of fun and grinding. I do like grinding in games.

- There's a good enough sense of progression, through better equipment and being able to upgrade it if you got your room of requirement going. This also gives some incentive to use the room.

- I liked the Christmas/Winter part of the game, it looked very nice, good vibes.

- Overall I had alot of fun playing the game, It's a pretty simple open world game, almost feels like a bare bones Witcher, with the Harry Potter theme to sell more and to those that aren't too familiar with gaming. Even though that's what I believe it to be, I still enjoyed it for what it was, it was pretty cool to be a wizard and explore the open world, I don't think I'll 100% it as it seems way too tedious for me, but overall a very enjoyable game. If it "fixed" all my above critiques and catered to those that played games more while still having easier modes it could've been game of the year, it's just lacking a bit.