Being a massive fan of White Album 2, I was excited for White Album to finally get a release in the west. However, despite being considered a classic, White Album does not stand out much amoung other visual novels in 2023. Yuki, Yayoi, Mana, Haruka, and Misaki's routes were mediocre at best. Despite this, I still give it 3 stars because it does have some positives. Rina's route, while having a bit of an abrupt ending, was pretty good and Sayoko (new heroine only available after clearing Rina or Yuki's routes) was by far my favorite character in the game and had the best route IMO. Her route alone would've been about a 4.5/5 for me. Other positives in the game are the soundtrack and art. The CGs are really well done and even look great 13 years after the game's release in Japan. Another positive is the voice acting. Nana Mizuki plays Rina, and Aya Hirano plays Yuki, and both of them are quite famous in the industry. Satou Rina (Rixia from Trails, Makoto from P5) plays Sayoko as well. Overall, I think it's worth playing White Album, if not for the sake of playing a classic, then for Sayoko (best girl).

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2023
