Going into Horizon 5, I had a bit of a concern that this would be the game where I finally get tired of the Forza Horizon formula. I’ve already put 80+ hours each into FH3 and 4, and while I knew Playground Games was more than capable of creating another…uh… playground to futz around in, I was afraid that I just simply had my fill of this sort of game. At some point I’d have to get bored of open world driving, right?

However, after an hour of Forza Horizon, 5, I already had my answer: haha, nope! This series still fucking rules!

I adore arcade-style racers but could never get into sims, and to this day I think the Horizon series is the only racing series I’ve played that somehow found the mythical “middle-ground” between arcade mechanics and sim racers that truly feels accessible to everyone regardless of their particular taste in racing games. Also, FH5’s Mexico is possibly the best designed open world of the three Horizon’s I’ve played, providing tons of variety from city streets to steep mountains to rugged dirt terrain. It's also just exploding at the brims with content - I've already put at least a couple dozen hours in and it feels like I haven't scratched the surface.

I often play games as a way to get my mind off of things, but rarely can I find a game that genuinely just makes me relax and vibe with the world the same way a Forza Horizon game does. Something about the game’s beautiful vistas and rock-solid controls just come together in a way that I can drive in a straight line at 150 mph for 20 minutes straight and not get bored of it. Also, there is just something inherently funny about being able to drive my dad’s old Volvo station wagon around an active volcano.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2022
