It's funny how nostalgia bait like this can be so good. The premise is very simple: it's the original season 5 map, with all the weapons and items from that seasons. The map will change with every week, adding on something from the season after. There are some minor differences, Tomato Town is now Tomato Temple, and the weapon loadout is slightly different, but yeah, it's season 5. This was one of my favorite seasons of fortnite overall, so I was obviously ecstatic to find out they were bringing it back. But this is where nostalgia gets tricky. When looking back on old things, like a video game, you need to consider if you actually miss the game itself for it's quality, or if you miss how it made you feel. It would've been horrendous if everyone clamored "bring back old fortnite!" only for them to bring it back followed by a simultaneous realization that old fortnite was not good. Thankfully, this is far from the case and old fortnite was actually very good.

Chapter 4 has been pretty rough. I haven't really been enjoying almost any of the weapons and the map is just terrible. I pray the jungle biome never comes back. Sharp Tooth shotgun is maybe the worst shotgun ever present in the history of this game. The best things about certain seasons were removed by the next one, like the kinetic blade and the heisted weapons. It was overall a miserable experience that I slogged through because anything can be fun with the right friends. The OG season completely resets everything and makes the game fun again.

The weapon loadout is solid. Not too bloated, but there's enough variety that makes you consider trade-offs with other weapons. Suppressed AR can have my firstborn child. The grapple gun is back, one of the most fun movement options to mess with because of how versatile it is. The old map is back, and while it is pretty big considering the size of the previous few maps, ATK's are placed EVERYWHERE. You will never be stuck in a far off area for too long because you can simply pick up a golf cart and get anywhere you need to go in a flash. Shopping carts are the best thing to ever grace this game and their initial removal shall be looked on in the history books as one of the cardinal sins of the human race.

This season proves that nostalgia bait isn't always a bad thing if done correctly. This old season of fortnite was simply good. Now, it's arguably even better. I don't have to worry about building (I suck at it) because no build exists. I don't have to worry about mobility because of the great mobility items and vehicles, plus they kept sprinting and mantling in. This may seem like a simple way to attract old players back to the game (when the season started they reached an all time player peak by a mile) but... yeah, it works. We shouldn't feel bad for enjoying old things when there was never anything wrong with them to begin with. The only thing wrong with this season I would say are the players themselves. None of them know how to have fun, they're all sweats. I'll approach them with a bush on and emote and they'll just shoot me. Fuck off. Can't really say that's the fault of the game much but it is annoying. Other than that, this season is fun and I'm glad to be with it the whole way through.

Reviewed on Nov 06, 2023
