The long-awaited Infinite expansion set in Rapture is out and about. I honestly didn’t know what to really expect from this other than more questions and fan service of Rapture. The story started out very similarly to BioShock 1 where you are riding down the bathysphere into Rapture. It brought back a lot of great memories and was happy to see the beautiful Elizabeth throughout the whole chapter. What I wasn’t happy about was the length, the gameplay, and the lack of anything memorable.

You feels more like one level from a full game. The one level that is really just action more than the story. It doesn’t pick up at all until the last 2 minutes of the ending which is both shocking, expected and gives us more questions than answers. The same Infinite guns are back but only one new power and that is Old Man Winter. Not much different from the freeze power in BioShock 1. It can freeze running water to make a bridge and that’s about it. I ran around closing vents to draw Sally out (the girl who Booker must get back) and not much else. The ammo is extremely scarce so you will be scrounging for it more than any other moment in previous BioShock games. You also don’t get the full arsenal in Infinite, and nothing much else has changed gameplay wise.

The setting is fantastic, however. The underwater city is memorable and it’s great to be back before it went to crap from the previous games. We are seeing the calm before the storm here. The Little Sister program is starting and so are the new Plasmids. It’s very interesting to see how things are happening when everything was prosperous and fun in the underwater utopia. Another great addition is the return of Sander Cohen who is probably the most insane person in Rapture. This section is memorable but dies out quickly with more boring shooting and getting lost in hallways.

Outside of the interesting ending, there’s not much else. This was a real disappointment for how long everyone waited. The gamer who just played Infinite and moved on shouldn’t even bother. This DLC is mainly for hardcore fans actually wanting the ending in Episode Three rather than the tidbits from each episode.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022
