The LOTR franchise has been struggling in the games department since the movies came out. While there have been amazing LoTR games the adventure games have been slacking since Return of the King. Aragorn’s Quest is a sneaky thing because it just retells the story of the movies in Aragorn’s eyes using the movie actors and it’s kind of lame. While the movies are great please let’s move away from there and do something original.

The combat is lackluster and is pretty disappointing. You can find abilities and equip them and these come in pretty handy for more powerful enemies. You can buy new attacks, find new weapons, armor, and bows and these are all pretty useful. You can level up by killing enemies, but you can’t distribute the points at all. The whole RPG thing is very bare bones and I would have liked to see more depth here and more customization, but it’s not there.

Actually doing the combat is boring since you just mash heavy and light attacks and most enemies are dumb and are easy to kill. You can parry and counter-attack, and use your bow for far-off enemies, but it’s been done before so many times. Every enemy attacks almost the same, and while there are a few good moments there just aren’t enough. Running around highly linear levels and hitting this switch, find four stones to open this door, hit that switch is really annoying.

The game doesn’t look very good either with an isometric perspective and doesn’t sound too hot either. The game is just boring, and easy, and drags on longer than it should. I was really looking forward to this game, but with just a few more months this game could have been something epic.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022
