With the fourth (and hopefully not final) Fallout 3 DLC we are once again almost as disappointed as the first DLC outing Operation Anchorage where Bethesda mistakenly takes you out of the Capital Wasteland and into a redundant dead world of an alien spaceship. When you get the signal from the downed ship in the Capital Wasteland you get beamed up and stuck in an alien prison cell where you must, throughout this adventure, fight your way off the ship with a woman and a little girl (who causes more trouble than wanted) to a final standoff with the captain of the mothership and finally an epic space battle.

Most of the DLC has you running around places blowing up these “cores” that will shut certain parts of the ship down so you can get to the bridge. While this sounds repetitive nothing is as more as the ship looks. With lots of 50’s cheesy alien sci-fi looking infrastructure, it all looks copied and pasted throughout the entire thing so after about thirty minutes you’ve seen it all. There are three new weapons in this DLC, the shock baton, the atomizer, and the atomizer rifle. While these sound powerful they are, but the aliens are some tough meat if you haven’t downloaded the Broken Steel add-on so you can level up to around 25-30. With me being at 28 I still had a hard time fighting off the various droids, and aliens since some have this invisible looking armor that is a pain to break through.

While there are a few epic moments in the game such as when you get to shoot a death ray to Earth and see a huge mushroom cloud appear…it makes you feel powerful. While not spoiling them all I’ll move into items you can find and these are probably worth more than anything in the Wasteland. Most of the items are alien crystals varying in size, along with some alien food, alien bio gels, and various odds and ends that are worth tons back on Earth. You actually end up with so much that you can’t find enough people with the caps to purchase it all.

Once you do get back to the Wasteland you’ll quickly forget what happened since there isn’t much narrative except for the hidden audio journals scattered throughout the ship. This really isn’t a way to progress dialog in Fallout 3 since most are interactive. After everything is over within the 2-3 hours it takes to beat this DLC you’ll feel like you were ripped off about $5 and want a refund. Mothership Zeta is skip-able, but hardcore fans should really take it for a spin.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022
