Rating: Love & Hate
This one definitely leans more towards love than hate, however the negatives are too much for me to let slide. Buggy to the point of me constantly having to close the game and patch it with downloaded bug fixes, even during the last few hours of gameplay. The combat is absolutely terrible until you are finally powerful enough to actually hit things during combat, and even so I still wasn't a fan of it. I played it on easy mode and used a save editor to make the combat less tedious that way I could get right back to the story and exploration, which is where the game truly shines.
The story is great, and I really wish I went in without any knowledge of the plot or it's twists, because I could really see the Revan twist being an unforgettable moment. The Bastila romance is really cute, and I wish we could have gotten just a little bit more of it. It's a shame what happens to Revan's character in the novel and MMO.
This game needs a remake. I am all for changing the gameplay like FF7 Remake did, but other additions I'd also like is for Nomi and Vima Sunrider make an appearance, or at least explain what happened to them and why they don't appear. This was going to be addressed in the canceled novel Mandorla so they should have that already written, but ideally I'd like to see them appear in the flesh. I would also like the world to look more accurate to how it appeared in the comics, as it looks too similar to the prequel era and it's only been 30 years since Redemption. I suspect they didn't go this route originally due to technical limitations. I'd think it would be best if they gave us the canon Revan with a voice actor; everybody already knows that twist so why bother pretending.
All in all, I loved this game and it is definitely one of my favorite Star Wars adventures.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2024
