Overall, the games are a pretty fun blend of action and platformer/puzzle, the combat isn't too deep and that's slightly to it's detriment as it can get boring, dealing with most of the enemies exactly the same way each time. The music is pretty great for both games and they're wonderful on the visual department.

As for the individual games, while God of War 1 had a solid story, it's backed up with frustrating levels, starting with the second big half of the game the game really takes a turn for the worse, which is a shame because I would've enjoyed the game more despite the basic gameplay of it, if it just didn't try to be so infuriating. However, even if the game didn't have those frustrating bits, the last boss in the game is probably one of the worst things I've ever played and is super dated in design. (3/5)

As for God of War 2, it's an improvement over the original in almost every single way, I ended up preferring the more personal story of the first, that's not to say the story of the second game is bad, it's all right but it feels pretty video game-y when compared to how the older game had strong "Greek Tragedy" elements which really elevated the story. The only really bad things about GoW2 is just how the second half is rather flip-floppy in terms of quality, as GoW1-esque frustrating levels pop up again, but other than that, I had much more fun with it. Especially with how much your moveset gets expanded, even if it still feels small, another thing to note is how the bosses are much better here, as they feel actually fun to fight. (3.5/5)

Reviewed on Sep 25, 2022
