Just... watch the cutscenes on YouTube, this really isn't worth it. Played through all the story available so far and it's just your typical grindfest gacha using every trick in the book to drive addictive personalities to bankruptcy. The music and visuals are quite nice, gameplay is alright but gets boring fast—granted at least it has a VERY smart auto battle—story recaps for FF7/CC are okay so far and fairly faithful despite being abridged (idk what people are on about with it following ff7r, it doesn't at all beyond copypasting the opening), but definitely not a substitute for the actual games. Unsurprisingly you can't get away with just beelining the story, you'll need to grind a ton and endure endless popups pathetically begging you to empty your wallet to make the grind faster (or y'know, play another game).

As for the original First Soldier story, aka the only notable thing here, it's... fine so far. Fun trio and Glenn is a top tier himbo, but they're limited by how brief the story is in this format (30 second cutscene before 3 waves of enemies, the usual gacha deal). Baby Sephiroth might be fun to see in later episodes, and I look forward to watching the rest on YouTube in the future.

Anyway time to uninstall this crap.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2023
