This seems to be more of a demo showcase of sorts for Samurai Punk's full game, Justice Sucks, which came out a few weeks ago, meaning there's only 9 (6 original, 3 bonus modifiers) levels available.

What's available is pretty fun, though I forgo the 'stealth' approach pretty quickly when I realized the best solution was to activate the fire sprinklers and fans, honk like a madman, and then let the robbers crumble underneath, finishing it off by sweeping up the blood and then ramming them once I'm able to do so.

It's 5USD overall, but while I do recommend it, be in mind that it's unfortunately rather janky. I counted a few instances of getting stuck after using the ram move (I'm assuming the game locks up between you hitting them, while also doing a killing animation you get when sweeping their body), control lockups, and Titular Funny Ragdolls that impede game progress. Nothin too bad since these levels aren't so long, but it got annoying regardless.

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2022


1 year ago

I only had one issue of getting cornered by the Christmas tree and beaten up I couldn't prevent. My game also crashed when I finished the final bonus level forcing me to quit out and sign in again.

Justice Sucks eh? I'll have to look into that 🤔
It could be because I played it on PC and (not totally but) went fast and loose as to how the game works, but again I tolerated most of it since it's short and restarting the level doesn't send you all the way back

I'm aiming to pick up JS later since I at least want to finish Baten Kaitos and Graces F for the moment

1 year ago

I'll grab it in a sale down the line. I'll keep an eye though for your review in case you get to it before me 👍🏻