This is sadly one of those games that gets worse the longer you play it. The beginning is unbelievably good. It hooks you from the very beginning and it's incredibly difficult to put down. Sadly the game doesn't maintain that level of quality for very long.

Big story moments are cut up by incredibly draining, monotonous, boring segments where all you do is just, walk and talk. This normally wouldn't be a big deal, its a JRPG, that's kind of the deal. This DOES however, become an issue when the big moments and action stages are so incredible, so high budget, so well done, that the low budget filler sections stand out like a sore thumb.

The gameplay is fantastic, the story is amazing at its best, and a little bland at its worst. I personally would have preferred if they kept the story and villain more low fantasy, like the rest of the game. The final encounter is cool and all, but the story would have been much more effective with a more down to earth and grounded villain.

I still think its a fantastic game, just one with some issues that will hopefully be ironed out in the team's next endeavor.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024
