pretty solid little story featuring the best dragon engine combat yet (which isnt saying much). that being said, locking main story progression behind the uninspired, repetitive and padded as hell mandatory "side content" akame network almost made me quit. there is no way to make me not care about side content in a game more than when its mandatory, especially when its just straight up not fun.
it really feels like they were trying their asses off to pad the game to make it feel like it was longer and worth more than dlc price (since thats what it was intended for initially anyway).
padding aside though... and the new combat style that wasnt very fun... and the upgrade system... and the wire that wasnt explained and totally pulled me out of any cutscene or serious story moment it was used in... aisde from all those, yeah it was a pretty solid little romp. would never play it again though especially the difficulty spike (granted i was on professional so thats mostly my fault but i feel the final boss shouldnt be able to 1 shot me near the end of the fight and force me to replay the entire fight from the beginning cutscenes and all)

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2024
