Remember when EA actually made good games? Yeah, me too. In a lot of ways, I prefer this game to Underground 2. For one, Eddie isn't brought up for the first time halfway through the game. He's a goal to reach. Along with that, the other racers are far more memorable than just about any character from Underground 2, despite how simple they are as characters.

This is far from a perfect game, though. The rubber banding can be pretty insane and hitting traffic is incredibly punishing, sometimes leading to just overall dead races. Two events in particular are infamous in this game, and those are Kurt's Killer Ride and Enduro Street Circuit. Kurt's Killer Ride was my roadblock as a kid, and Enduro Street Circuit is the poster child for rubber banding BS.

This game did, however, give me a new found hatred for drift events. They suck, at least in my opinion. I did, however, learn to dislike Drag races a little less than I did during Underground 2, and Melissa is what Caleb wishes he was as a final boss.

So, another relic of my childhood has been conquered. It's a shame that I'll have little reason to listen to the OST again outside of nostalgia, though.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2023
