Out of the Donkey Kong Country SNES trilogy, this one was my favorite as a kid although I never got very far in it. I've only ever beat it once, I feel its actually more difficult than the second game (and of course harder than the first game by default) which is interesting. I don't think I can say much about this game that I haven't already said for the other Donkey Kong Country games, though; I love it a lot but it does share some of the problems the other games in its series have. In particular, I've mentioned limited saves as a problem in all of my reviews of Donkey Kong Country games, and while it isn't as bad here as it is in the second game its very much still present. Thankfully, you can leave worlds at any time to go to a different save point on the overworld.

A solid SNES game and among the best of its library, just like the other two Donkey Kong Country games before it. The only reason why I'm not giving it a full 5 stars is because Lightning Lookout is easily one of the most frustrating levels I've played in these games.

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2021
