When I was a kid I always wanted to have a game where you played as a Pokémon. My prayers got answered when my Dad bought Mystery Dungeon , unfortunately, I was eight and could barely read. So he got me this game instead and I fell head over heels for it.
I'm extremely bias towards this game, I played it hundreds of times during my childhood. I then replayed it again, because fifteen year old me thought he was old enough to have a childhood.
I love this game to pieces. It was an extremely formative experience for me and shaped me in alot of ways. I used to jokingly call it, "The second coming of christ in video game form".
That being said, I can't in good conscious give it anything higher than like a three. Don't play this if you aren't eight, you will probably find it boring.
Espurr isn't in the game, I take it all back.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
