This game reminds me a lot of Star Trek: Elite Force in that they’re both pretty basic shooters that are elevated by the IP they’re associated with. The best word to describe Republic Commando is ‘adequate’. The shooting, level design, and story are all nothing special but serviceable. The game’s main flaws come from its random yet frequent difficulty spikes where it seems to believe filling a small corridor with constantly spawning bullet sponge enemies constitutes a reasonable challenge, and the repetitiveness of its mission design. Every objective Republic Commando has to offer is just: Go here, shoot enemies, blow thing up, over and over and over again, with very little to break up the monotony. The game also has a strange lack of personality. There’s no memorable scenery, no compelling characters, and if it weren’t for the use of Star Wars jargon the dialogue wouldn’t sound out of place in any random C-tier FPS.

I enjoyed my time with Republic Commando and would say it’s a good game, but it’s really nothing special. I’d only recommend it if you’ve played the Jedi Knight and Battlefront games and are just fiending for another good Star Wars shooter, otherwise just play those games instead.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
