halfway through playing I kinda just started imagining a world where it was very popular for sonic fangames to be "episode-sized", as in four zones, plus maybe final stage, all neatly wrapped as one story (not the three acts though)

honestly I kinda wish that was an actual thing, instead of a sea of demos for cancelled projects trying to be that team's vision for a Mania successor, we'd get a bunch of bite-sized classic games. I mean, most projects don't really go past one or two zones either, but if it goes past that and they still never finish it, it tends to stop at around four or five...

anyway this game is basically a small trimmed down Rush/Advance title vaguely resembling what people old enough to have a iPhone in 2008 would think the series to be (lame), I like how it plays with the homing attack, encouraging you to not always go with the first thing it targets to

Reviewed on Sep 28, 2023
