An ingenious mashup of unique, tactical gameplay, with Nintendo's unique creative shine, packaged in the charming aesthetics of the early 2000s gaming era. The core concept of managing dozens of Pikmin across wildlife areas and effectively managing your limited time is so impressively fine-tuned for being the first in the series.

I played the third game a few years ago, which made me feel the loss of specific mechanics that added depth to the experience, especially the lack of multiple captains and more Pikmin types. The first rides a line of being too janky or unvaried, but the short length keep things in balance. This stands especially true with the ease in difficulty that 3's enhancements bring, where the first's deadline of 30 days add a constant threat of failure without feeling stressful (Even if I wish the game's deadline was shorter, as multiple critical slip-ups, especially in the Final Trial, resulted in little punishment).

The smaller scope allows for 1 to stand on it's own as a valuable and unique journey. I've never been one for replaying games, but I feel incredibly compelled to return to this eventually, knowing how many ridiculous mistakes could be easily avoided and bump up my performance drastically. Simply a joyful, uniquely Nintendo experience.

[Completed in 28/30 days. Surviving Pikmin: 62. Total Pikmin lost: 1228. Total Pikmin sprouted: 1303]

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024
