TWEWY is one hell of a double-edged sword. On one hand, the switch control scheme is one of the worst I have experienced in any game, ever. In no reality should this have been acceptable, because this game has 100% set some early set wrist arthritis in motion. I do wish the game explained some of its mechanics better. Mainly the bravery system. Bravery is the number that gauges what equipment you can use, and I only found out you could increase it manually on the 5th day of week 3, two days before the end of the game. I ended up having to use early game-level equipment in the end game, all because they just never tell you you can upgrade it yourself.

On the other hand, is one of the most stylish, engaging RPGs I've ever personally played. The utilization of the original, limited hardware of the DS ultimately helped TWEWY, as they became forced to present cutscenes and dialogue in brand-new ways. The story is also pretty good. The way that the game is structured into days, and then weeks incentivizes you so hard. An average day can last up to 15 - 20 minutes, so getting through the game so quickly, even while it told such an interesting story, helps your motivation to complete it an insane amount.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2024
