it's cool mario & luigi would pair up with paper mario but it feels like a missed opportunity since they don't really do a lot of interesting things with it, they could have brought a lot of interesting story aspects and characters from the paper mario series but the only thing they really do is mention how paper mario is paper compared to mario & luigi and the dumb paper mache battles. it feels like an even worse kick in the dick that all the areas in the game are all generic mario locations seen time and time again and the main villain is just bowser again compared to other mario & luigi AND paper mario games. they don't do anything interesting and it just feels like a missed opportunity. the combat is still the same so it's still fun but this game feels like a massive downgrade and it sucks this was the last non-remake in the mario & luigi franchise before alpha dreams unfortunate demise.

Reviewed on May 05, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

The combat is pretty good, but it sucks that every miniboss consists of using and dodging the same few moves over and over for 20+ minutes. Its actually what made me abandon it