This game is weird.

I started playing this game young. TOO young. I didn't understand most of the jokes and I thought the nudity was icky, but blowing things up was fun.

Fast forward nearly 10 years and I'm still playing it. The gameplay is infective. You can spend your time doing a countless amount of activities but even driving around, or flying is fun too. There's an amazing depth to its world. Whether its the NPC's which have the weirdest one-sided conversations on their phones or the advertisements which are just real brands with some kind of dick joke in there.

Sure, the story is a bit half-baked, its pacing is weird and it suffers from the usual rockstar problem of not knowing how to wrap up a story properly. And online, is known for its many, MANY problems and is essentially just a front now for buying shark cards.

This game holds a very special place in my heart, I will be very sad when it's left behind for its sequel.

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2022
