Giving this game a high rating because of Seth, the only character that I really felt a connection with. This feels ridiculous to say, because it’s a simulator, but I can’t think of a better word. Very sweetly written character. The sadness of finishing his story is the downside of playing games like these, instead of going outside and actually getting into the dating scene. Go touch grass, loser (hypocrisy).
I noticed that there are a few errors in the game, but they were of little consequence. The story can also be dull at times, but it does have some well written moments.
The music selection is very nice, although I am sad that they removed the song “Intimate” (which would play in Seth’s apartment) in later patches of the game.
One thing to note before I close off this review, I only completed 50% of the game, because I only dated the male characters. Sue me, I’m gay.
Overall pretty alright game, high rating for Seth, will make you depressed and lonely.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2022
