I've been having so much fun with this since it was added to Gamepass, and I likely never would have given it a shot otherwise. I am not usually someone who gets into online multiplayer games, they mostly don't appeal to me, but this is a notable exception. I'm not good enough at most multiplayer games to really compete, but this just really clicks with me for whatever reason and I can usually top my team's scoreboard. Taking on 6 or 7 enemies at once singlehandedly is immensely satisfying when it goes well; by far the best challenge-to-catharsis ratio I've ever experienced in a multiplayer game.

The combat system is complex and robust, and there is a stunning amount of depth to the various moves, defenses, maneuvers, and weapons. It's easily the best feeling first-person melee combat I've found. Seeing these mechanics implemented in a single-player story-driven campaign would kick so much ass if it was written well. Let's make that happen.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2022
