This review contains spoilers

If they didn't literally throw Charlie off a cliff to write him out of the story, I think you'd have a case closer to the quality of Uncharted 2. It's not a perfect game but it captures the magic and variety of the second game really well. Incredible set pieces and encounters.

This will be the only game's multiplayer mode where I actually prestiged, or whatever they call maxing out the level cap and starting over. The multiplayer was really special for me as a teen who couldn't buy M rated games.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2024


13 days ago

Can you please mark your review with a spoiler warning next time there's a spoiler at the beginning of the review? Because you now just spoiled one of the main character's deaths for me, as your review was on the front page of the game.
This website has a spoiler marking feature for a reason.

12 days ago

My apologies, I wrote a bunch of reviews and didn't think about it or use the option before. I've marked this one with spoilers and will keep that in mind!