guys shut up... yall are too loud im sneak KING around my house. why am i sneak KING around the house? well i was just wake KING up to my dog bark KING, as he was make KING a large racket in the house. it turns out, that a man hike KING nearby my house broke into it my place, and then started gawk KING at my beautiful bark KING dog. while yank KING my blanket off i run down the stairs and see the man look KING me right in the eyes. we start duke KING it out and unfortunately he starts whack KING at my face, then afterwards starts choke KING me by grabbing my throat. i am squak KING to get air in my lungs, then i start kick KING his balls to which he falls on the floor to get him off me. i then start shreik KING at the fact that this asshole broke into my house, presumably ransack KING it.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2022

1 Comment

this made me laugh harder than it should have